One of the most auspicious times in Hindu mythology is here.
As we celebrate the victory of good over evil with Dusshera on 14th
October, 2013, it will soon give way to the arrival of Lord Rama to Ayodhya during
Diwali , the festival of lights. As entire country looks forward to these
occasions with excitement and anticipation, these festivals also brings with
them the lessons of life that lead to path of contentment and fulfilment.
Here’s how:
1. 1.Planning: One cannot achieve one’s goals in life
based on desires or skills alone. It requires planning at every stage of life.
Lord Rama conquered Lanka and achieved victory over mighty Ravana on the basis
of careful strategy, addition to tremendous skill & power.
2. 2. Teamwork: Lord Rama didn’t conquer Lanka alone.
He had a team that was focused on the single goal, conquering Lanka. The team
supported him at every stage of the task and provided valuable information
& inputs when needed.
3. 3. Helping others: Though Lord Rama was supreme, he
always went that extra mile in helping others & expecting nothing in
return. The good deeds always found a way to return to him & help him in a
time of need.
4. 4. Respect lives: Lord Rama knew he would defeat
Ravana, but he first gave him many chances to mend his ways & settle the
issue amicably. He knew quarrels, fights & wars are the order of last
resort and should be avoided as much as possible.
5. 5. Values: He always gave family & family
values prime importance. Be it respect towards elders, women or people younger
to him, he was a symbol of righteousness, which helped him achieved the
greatness in life he deserved.
Hence, apart from dedicating certain days to the festivals,
their essence should be celebrated on a daily basis by applying the lessons to
our lives and achieving a life of contentment, peaceful harmony &